Baptiste in Overwatch

Baptiste gameplay | Healing and DPS mechanics

Well, right now we do not officially know. Thus far, all we have is that the hero show trailer Blizzard printed yesterday together with his own background story and a number of pictures of him. That is not sufficient to say we are confident about how playing Baptiste at Overwatch will be similar to, but we've sufficient tips to make some educated guesses.

Baptiste is a combat medic, based on his source story. The very description of his part in the wars he fought could be a sign he's a combination between a DPS along with a service character, such as Zenyatta, or he has offensive instruments contrary to competitions while being mostly a service protagonist, such as Ana.

 uploaded image

Baptiste's weapon appears to be a gun, and also we have not seen any secondary weapon thus far. Players may observe a hero that has a main shot which deals damage using a secondary shot which heals allies or has a negative impact on competitions, such as Ana's Biotic Grenades. We could see Baptiste retains some type of recovery object in his hands at the conclusion of his origin story, which may be ammo for his secondary shooter into his rifle or among his own skills.

Baptiste's skills are a massive question mark.

We'll only make certain of Baptiste's mechanics and gameplay once his skills and gameplay are published, or if he's added to the Overwatch PTR this week. We are not certain when this will occur, but it should not take long because we know he's coming into the match.


Posted April 12, 2019 08:27


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